SCE’s commitment to safety
SCE stands for more than Service Complete Electric, it also represents our core values – Safe, Creative and Exceptional. Our first value, safety, is at the core of every project we complete.
Over the years, we have established a construction safety management program that aims to protect and promote the health and safety of all our team members, customers and others who may be affected by our business activities.
All SCE team members are required to complete:
- 10-Hour OSHA Training
- Various equipment certifications
- Continuous refresher training through safety discussions and hands-on courses
Project foremen are also trained in CPR, AED and First-Aid.
We’re dedicated to providing team members with a safe and healthful workplace and encourage them to recommend ways to improve construction site safety and health conditions. Every team member, from field level to senior management, is actively involved to create the safest environment possible.
Service Complete Electric is licensed, bondable and fully insured in the state of Florida.
This is the kind of commitment our customers can count on every day from Service Complete Electric.
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– Tony Scruggs, president of SCE